Net Zero Home Qualified Energy Advisors and Builders lead the program...

Energy Advisors play a key role in delivering Net Zero Homes and Net Zero Renovations, conducting energy audits, energy modelling, taking the lead on submitting EnerGuide files through Service Organizations to Natural Resources Canada and providing resources to Builders, Renovators and Homeowners in understanding the impacts of the design and implementation of various energy conservation measures.
Participation in this national program offers recognition as an industry leader for those delivering the next generation of high-performance housing.
The requirements to become a CHBA Qualified Net Zero Participant can be found here.
CHBA Net Zero Home Labelling Program in your area:
Investing in a Net Zero or Net Zero Ready Home means embracing an energy efficient future. The program has become an important stepping stone in Canada’s pursuit to a sustainable future. All the features of both Net Zero and Net Zero Ready Homes work together to significantly minimize each household’s environmental footprint by preserving our natural resources and protecting against climate change.
The CHBA Net Zero Home Labelling Program has been running since its pilot in 2015 and has labelled over 1,500 homes in Canada to date. The Program provides the industry and consumers with a clearly defined and rigorous two-tiered technical requirement that recognizes Net Zero and Net Zero Ready Homes, and the builders and renovators who provide them.
The CHBA Net Zero Home Labelling Program has been designed so that a home could still qualify for Net Zero Ready, R-2000, or ENERGY STAR® if Net Zero isn’t achievable.

Net Zero and Net Zero Ready Homes offer whole-house comfort, excellent indoor air quality, and superior energy performance using proven advanced technologies and construction practices. The result is a superior quality home that exceeds current and anticipated building code requirements. Each Net Zero and Net Zero Ready Home is verified by government-licensed third-party Service Organizations and recognized by CHBA for its achievement.
Why live in a Net Zero Home?
Net Zero Homes, whether new or renovated, produce as much clean energy as they consume. They are up to 80% more energy efficient than typical new homes and use renewable energy systems to produce the remaining energy they need. Every part of the house works together to provide consistent temperatures throughout, prevent drafts, and filter indoor air to reduce dust and allergens. The result: exceptional energy performance and the ultimate in comfort – a home at the forefront of sustainability. It all adds up to a better living experience.
Learn more about Net Zero Homes here.
How do you become a Qualified Net Zero Energy Advisor?
How do you become a Qualified Net Zero builder?