BC Energy Step Code

CleanBC and the BC Energy Step Code

CHBA BC is an active stakeholder in provincial discussions on British Columbia’s Energy Step Code. We continue to advocate that housing affordability is a top priority with any new changes to the code as it is implemented across the province.


Several CHBA local associations have developed costing studies specific to typical houses built in their local areas and participated in engagement sessions with their local governments. CHBA BC supports the efforts of its local associations to inform policymakers on affordability.


Click the links below to view CHBA BC’s recent work related to Building Code changes and the Energy Step Code:


BC Building Code Revision 5 Changes: Part 9 Energy Efficiency and Zero Carbon Step Code Webinar (2023)

CHBA BC Position on Energy Step Code Revised (2021)

CHBA BC Position on Energy Step Code (2019)

Applying the B.C. Energy Step Code (Flowchart)