Why Choose Home Labelling?
There are many reasons to use a program labelling program such as the EnerGuide Rating System, ENERGY STAR® and the Net Zero for Homes qualification. The third-party label provides benefits for builders, home owners as well as potential buyers.
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Using a labelling program allows the builder to provide a detailed report and checklist to the homeowner showing exactly which products were used and why they were chosen. This report output leads to the overall labelling and program qualification of the home. Product details provided not only paint the picture of the home’s impact on the environment but also act as terms of reference for long term upkeep of the home.
When purchasing a program qualified home, homeowners can be assured that the builders have been trained to provide a more durable, comfortable house that may prove to be more economical and low-maintenance in the long term.
When a home is verified by a third party, a homeowner can rely on certain home performance expectations based on the qualification level of the home and products used during construction. Municipalities can look to a third-party certification program for reference points on improved construction methods which continue to raise the bar for quality home construction today.

EnerGuide Rating System
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Energy Star®
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R-2000 Certification
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Net Zero Qualification
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*EnerGuide and *R-2000 are official marks of Natural Resources Canada and used with permission. The ENERGY STAR® mark is administered and promoted in Canada and is used with permission.