CHBA BC gathers for fall provincial meetings
Burnaby (October 1, 2015) - The Canadian Home Builders' Association of BC (CHBA BC) held its annual fall provincial meetings September 24 - 25 in Vancouver. They were attended by builders, renovators and industry professionals from regions throughout British Columbia.
The meetings brought together the board of directors, committees and executive officers representing our province’s nine affiliated local home building associations. Attendees took part in presentations and discussions on recent building code changes and other technical areas for new homes and renovations.
The Honourable Rich Coleman, minister responsible for housing, attended a roundtable discussion with builders and provided an update on opportunities that will result from LNG projects, the new Building Act, and other policies that influence the residential construction industry.
“Recent policy decisions and announcements by the provincial government that will create a more streamlined building environment are important issues our association has been advocating for on behalf of our industry and we are pleased to see these changes come into effect,” said Simon Howse, CHBA BC president.
“The introduction and review of new initiatives, including a revised strategic plan and a marketing plan for continuing education that incorporates the new builder licensing requirement that was announced by the provincial government on March 4, 2015, will further strengthen our association and membership value,” added CEO Neil Moody.
The board of directors approved the 2014/15 year-end financial statements as prepared by Wolrige Mahon Chartered Professional Accountants with a surplus of $112,376, an increase of 122 per cent over the previous year.
“With increased membership and revenue combined with management's prudent operating and cost control, the CHBA BC board is pleased with our association's strengthening financial results and performance,” CHBA BC Treasurer Michael Delich stated.
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