Current Issues

The Canadian Home Builders’ Association of British Columbia is actively engaged in many issues related to the residential construction industry. 

Current Policy Priorities

CHBA BC and its members work actively towards improving housing affordability across the province by building more homes.

Read about CHBA BC’s recommendations to Reaching Housing Affordability in B.C.


2024 Provincial Election Toolkit

In preparation for the provincial election in October 2024, CHBA BC created a toolkit to help our members talk to the candidates about key issues to support homebuilding in B.C. You can view it here.


Prompt Payment

Prompt payment legislation was adopted in Ontario in December 2017. The Ontario Home Builders’ Association and other organizations opposed its implementation. There have been ample discussions in bringing this legislation to B.C., which CHBA BC opposes. Private sector payment timelines should not be regulated by the government and requiring legal mechanisms to solve disputes only adds further costs for small businesses in B.C. 


Click here to read CHBA BC’s position on prompt payment legislation


Municipal Housing Supply and Benchmarking Study

CHBA BC retained Altus Group Economic Consulting to research evidence of housing supply shortfalls in B.C. and the economic consequences of those shortfalls, both past and future. The study also examines municipal development applications timelines in 13 B.C. municipalities to understand the current capacities associated with housing approvals. The study was released in October 2022 and is available here.


B.C. Budget

CHBA BC submits recommendations to the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services for the annual provincial budget. CHBA BC has also provided in-person presentations to the Committee on these recommendations.


Each year, CHBA BC representatives travel to Victoria for the “lock-up” to preview the budget before the documents are tabled in the Legislative Assembly. Following the budget lock-up, CHBA BC will analyze the key housing-related initiatives and their potential impact on the homebuilding industry. We then provide a detailed summary to our members and share key insights through a news release, ensuring you stay informed on the latest government policies affecting housing and development in B.C.


Recent B.C. Budget Summaries:

Budget 2025

Budget 2024

Budget 2023

Budget 2022

Budget 2021


Election 2020 Policy Recommendations

In preparation for the snap election of October 2020, CHBA BC created a list of housing policies that could be implemented by any of the provincial parties to be used within their campaign platform. You can find these policies here.


Development Approvals Review

The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing convened a multi-stakeholder working group to review the process between December 2018 and June 2019. Potential solutions are under evaluation between now and 2021.


A report from this review has now been tabled and can be seen here.


Money Laundering in Real Estate


The B.C. government conducted two separate reviews of money laundering and market manipulation in the real estate sector in 2019, through the Attorney General and Minister of Finance. CHBA BC and CHBA National jointly presented for the two stakeholder interviews as this issue impacts both levels of government.

In both meetings, CHBA highlighted its existing work on the underground economy through the Get It In Writing! program, and participation on working groups with Canada Revenue Agency and FINTRAC. CHBA also reiterated the need to target future efforts towards industry members that are not in compliance, as opposed to further regulations on the industry at-large, and to include industry stakeholders as policy solutions are developed.


CHBA BC submission to the Money Laundering in Real Estate Consultation



Cannabis is now legal in Canada as of October 2018. There are outstanding issues to resolve with legalizations, including impacts of personal cultivation on home warranty, finance, and insurance. There is no change to the continued focus on safe workplaces for all employees. CHBA BC encourages all members to have an updated alcohol and drug policy in place. 

Have a great resource on cannabis that other members may benefit from? Feel free to share it with us! Email


Related Articles

Guide to Managing Workplace Impairment and Developing an Impairment Policy – WorkSafe BC

Toolbox meeting guide: Substance use and workplace impairment – WorkSafe BC

Navigating Cannabis Use in the Workplace – HAVAN member Kuhn LLP

CHBA BC Submission to the B.C. Cannabis Regulation Engagement


Speculation and Vacancy Tax


The Speculation and Vacancy Tax Act was introduced in October 2018 and passed in the following weeks. A notable change was the introduction of exemptions for development land – a key ask of CHBA BC. However, CHBA BC remained opposed to the introduction of the tax and produced an education campaign for consumers to provide information on the speculation tax legislation and our concerns. Some of the highlights of the September and October 2018 campaign include media articles and op-eds, Facebook Ads that reached over 1,000,000 people with 950+ comments, 14,500 unique link clicks, and 500 postcards distributed at local events.


With the tax now in effect, CHBA BC is monitoring its rollout and impacts to the industry both inside and outside the tax boundaries.


CHBA BC Speculation Tax Exemption FAQs – 2019


Renovations and the Underground Economy

We currently participate in a number of awareness campaigns related to the underground economy. We also support initiatives by our National office with the Get It In Writing program and the work of provincial and federal governments on this issue. 

With the rise of renovations and energy retrofits, CHBA BC has supported in a number of additional policy areas, including asbestos remediation.



Keeping Workers, the Public and the Environment Safe from Asbestos

CHBA BC Response to Asbestos Phase 2 Consultation


CHBA BC Past Submissions


Demand-Side Measures (DSM) Regulation Amendment

Letter to Premier Eby: Housing Supply Act and New Housing Ministry

Speculation and Vacancy Tax and Homebuyer Protection Period

Submission on BC Building Code Accessibility



British Columbia Government’s New Skilled Trades Certification System

Key Housing Supply Challenges and Recommended Immediate Actions

Submission to Technical Safety BC Proposed Fee Changes 2021 – 2023

Submission to the ‘What We Heard’ Interim report of the Canada/British Columbia Expert Panel on the Future of Housing Supply and Affordability 

B.C. Sectoral Targets Discussion Paper



Submission to the B.C.’s COVID-19 Recovery Consultation

Submission to the Expert Panel on Housing Supply & Affordability

B.C. Consultation on a Public Beneficial Ownership Registry

Residential Flexibility in the ALR Intentions Paper

Emergency Program Act Modernization Submission

Joint Submission with HAVAN on Consultation Paper on the Builders Lien Act

Climate Preparedness and Adaptation Strategy Submission



Submission to the CleanBC Job Readiness Plan

Submission to National Research Council Canada – Grab Bars

Submission to the BC Framework for Accessibility Legislation

Energy Efficiency Standards Regulation Residential Windows Submission

Workers’ Compensation Review Process Ministerial Letter

CleanBC Plastics Action Plan Submission

Joint Business Community Statement on the Workers’ Compensation Review

Joint Business Community Submission to the Workers’ Compensation System Review


The federal government continues to hold public consultations on a number of topics related to housing.


As per CHBA advocacy, the federal government acknowledged that every level of government affects housing, and has committed to a coordinated, Federal‐Provincial‐Municipal approach to developing housing policy. This reflects how CHBA has always approached housing issues.


Click here to read CHBA’s latest submissions to federal government consultations on issues related to homebuilding.