Local Associations
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Central Interior
The Canadian Home Builders’ Association – Central Interior is an active, integral part of the region’s economic development. The association is committed to providing affordable, quality housing to the residents of the Central Interior region of British Columbia by providing education, training, and information and delivering high-quality construction services to both association members and the community. The team at Central Interior prioritizes staying up to date with the latest technology and innovation in the homebuilding industry. With a key focus on advocacy, it also pursues with regulatory bodies the concerns on improving housing affordability.
For more information on the work CHBA – Central Interior does, please visit www.chbaci.ca

Central Okanagan
Built on a vision of housing excellence, CHBA’s Central Okanagan works to the benefit of its members and the public through excellence in government and public relations, education, and building innovation. The association’s aim is to provide leadership that creates a professional, affordable and profitable housing environment.
Monthly meetings, social activities, newsletters, workshops, access to expert advice, marketing campaigns, demonstration projects and award programs are some initiatives that give members a chance to build business contacts and develop recognition with consumers.
To learn more about CHBA – Central Okanagan, please visit www.chbaco.com

South Okanagan
The South Okanagan body represents member firms from Summerland to Osoyoos in the Okanagan, hosting industry professionals, licensed home builders, renovators and tradespeople. Issues related to consumer protection and affordability remain key areas of focus for the association.
Best practices include industry consultations, cost benefit analysis for any new changes and strong communication plans to promptly get information out to the members. The association also offers a minimum six months phase-in period for project completion.
Learn more about the work of CHBA – South Okanagan, by visiting www.chbaso.org

Vancouver Island
The Canadian Home Builders’ Association – Vancouver Island (CHBA-VI) membership includes new home builders, renovators, developers, trades, manufacturers, suppliers, lenders and other professionals. Members commit to act with integrity and professionalism in all aspects of their company’s operations while they enjoy the multiple benefits tied to their participation.
Through the Association, members have access to technical information as well as specialized education and training courses helping professionals upgrade in their field of operation.
The CHBA-VI is a proud part of this national standard of excellence, servicing professionals and the communities of Vancouver Island.
For more information on membership, please visit www.chbavi.com

Fraser Valley
The mission of CHBA – Fraser Valley is to encourage professionalism and integrity in all aspects of the home building industry and to have a strong voice in government and community affairs affecting the construction industry.
Thanks to the Association, the homeowners benefit from the availability of quality housing and professionals to complete renovations, building projects, and various other professional services.
For more information on membership benefits with the Canadian Home Builders’ Association – Fraser Valley, please visit www.chbafv.org

Northern British Columbia
Membership with CHBA – Northern British Columbia consists of businesses and individuals who are developers, builders, renovators, sub-contractors, suppliers, service professionals, media, financial organizations, and government agencies.
The association hosts 10 dinner meetings (September to June) featuring guest speakers, offering a great opportunity for professionals in the field to rub elbows with other member businesses and gain latest industry insights. National conferences are also held on an annual basis.
To learn more about CHBA – Northern BC, please visit www.chbanorthernbc.ca

Sea to Sky
The member body serves the Sea to Sky Corridor including Mount Currie, Pemberton, Whistler, Squamish & Furry Creek, British Columbia, Canada. Driven by the belief that all Canadians deserve high quality, safe and cost-effective housing, the association’s mission is to effectively represent home builders, throughout the Sea to Sky Corridor, to local, provincial & national governments; the media, educators and the general public through a strong, sustainable and supportive association.
To learn more about the CHBA Sea to Sky, please visit www.seatoskychba.com

Homebuilders Association Vancouver
The Homebuilders Association Vancouver (HAVAN) is over 1,100 members strong. Recognized as a leader in the homebuilding industry since 1974, it is an association of knowledgeable, trusted, resourceful and local professionals who build over 65% of Metro Vancouver’s homes.
The association provides both industry and consumer education, opportunities to connect, and actively liaises with local municipal governments with the focus of meeting Metro Vancouver’s housing needs. A not-for-profit association, the HAVAN is proudly affiliated with both the provincial CHBA BC, and national CHBA offices.
For more information or to become a member with HAVAN, please visit www.havan.ca
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