Issue 36 July 2019

An update on CHBA BC’s government relations activities 
The provincial government relations committee celebrated its five-year anniversary in late June. View the CHBA BC blog post to learn more about the committee and notable advocacy highlights from the past five years.

News from the Legislature

Official Positions

The Step Code has evolved since the initial consultations in 2014. The CHBA BC Board of Directors approved an updated formal position on the Step Code on June 26, 2019 as a guiding document for the coming months and years. Click to read the document or as a web link.

For a review of all CHBA BC issues and submissions, view the Current Issues page on our new website.

Open Consultations

Plastics Action Plan

The provincial government announced a new consultation to solicit feedback on plastic pollution in B.C. Public feedback will be considered from July 25 until September 18, and CHBA BC intends to submit to this consultation. A report will be published in late 2019, with a regulatory framework expected before early next year. Learn more about the consultation here. If you have feedback on this engagement, email us!


Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy George Heyman announces the new engagement on single-use plastics on July 25, 2019. (Source: BC Government Flickr)

National News

CHBA launches affordability website for the federal election

Housing affordability is a top concern for Canadians headed into the election, and a major talking point among media and candidates. CHBA launched a new website aimed at voters concerned about homeownership. The mobile-friendly site summarizes current factors impacting affordability, outlines solutions, and addresses common misconceptions. As party platforms become available, aspects that affect housing will be summarized and explained through the affordability lens. CHBA’s multi-faceted federal election campaign will drive traffic to the website to inform voters, candidates, and media about the issues.



Ongoing Issues

Workers’ Compensation System

CHBA BC, along with 45 other business community groups and associations, submitted a joint response to the provincial Workers’ Compensation System Review.

Minister of Labour Harry Bains announced the review in early 2019, with a summary report expected by September 30, 2019. The review themes include policies and practices that support injured workers’ return to work, WorkSafeBC’s culture and practices, case management of injured workers, and any amendments to the Workers’ Compensation Act arising from the review.

Water Sustainability Act

CHBA BC and Homebuilders Association Vancouver held a teleconference with Ministers Donaldson and Robinson in early June to discuss the Water Sustainability Act section 11 approvals process and the current backlog. Since the meeting, the Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resources Operations has provided an update on its activities to address the backlog.

To advance the approvals process in the South Coast, the Ministry has facilitated staff re-assignments from other regions, secured overtime authorizations, applied for additional funding for cross-training and more staff from other authorization sections, and is looking at other process efficiencies. There is a planned review of a less-complex works bypass or notification process for certain types of water courses. The staff has requested that builders with an application should respond to questions from staff as soon as possible, to help applications move forward in the process.


Report on Fees and Taxes

Last year, CHBA BC commissioned a report on fees, charges, and tax revenue from new housing across B.C. The results from this report can now be viewed online using this link. The data was collected in 2018 and any figures may have changed in the past 12 months.

Review of Warranty on Show Homes

CHBA BC received member concerns on mandatory home warranty requirements for show homes. A review of this topic is underway, and any recommendations will be shared with warranty providers and BC Housing. If you have feedback, email

Review of Public Accounts 2018-19

Finance Minister Carole James provided a financial update and the Public Accounts 2018-19 report in July. Tax revenues (including the new employer health tax and speculation tax) and a strong economy have led to an operating surplus of $1.5 billion.

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