Reaching Future Performance Targets Using Fundamental Enclosure Concepts (Nelson)

This one-day training is designed for both new and seasoned Part 9 Residential builders for gaining hands-on experience with high-performance air and water barrier membrane installation and building the fundamental knowledge required to be successful in evaluating and implementing high-performance enclosure design demanded by current and future code requirements.


• Gain hands-on experience with high-performance air and water barrier membrane installation detailing known to improve efficiency, increase durability, and reduce installation costs.
• Build the fundamental knowledge required to be successful in evaluating and implementing high-performance enclosure design demanded by current and future code requirements.
• Learn cutting-edge renewable detailing approaches that can be implemented on even today’s projects.

*Do you have a project manager or subcontractor that would benefit from this session? If so, group rates are available:

2 registrations: $249 per person
3+ registrations: $199 per person

CHBA BC members receive an additional 25% off the above prices. Please contact us at to find out more.

Date: May 11, 2023
Time: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Location: Prestige Lakeside Resort and Convention Centre – 701 Lakeside Dr., Nelson

7 CPD points

