Issue 43 March 2020

News and Events

CHBA BC COVID-19 Response


The Canadian Home Builders’ Association of BC (CHBA BC) has been carefully monitoring the evolving impact of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). In keeping with the provincial health officer’s advice, we took, and are continuing to take, the necessary steps to ensure a safe workplace for staff and therefore have temporarily closed the office in Burnaby.


Staff have been working remotely, however, we remain fully operational and are well equipped with remote technology and video conferencing capability.


At this time, the best way to reach all of our staff members is via e-mail communication. We will be regularly updating members through our electronic newsletter, social media channels, and website.


Provincial Meeting – Selina Robinson, Minister for Municipal Affairs and Housing


Earlier this month CHBA BC had the pleasure of hosting the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Selina Robinson, at our provincial meeting in Vancouver. During this meeting members from each local had the opportunity to engage in a Q&A with the minister about the top concerns facing their region.


Issues stemmed from development approval timelines to development on ALR to the possible future avenues the provincial government may be going down with relation to the residential construction industry. We thank all members who had this unique chance to have their voices directly heard by the minister and hope they share this experience with others.



Strata Insurance


CHBA BC called into a Commercial Insurance Task Force meeting on March 17 with other associations and insurance stakeholders, hosted by the Insurance Bureau of Canada. This goal of this meeting was to touch base on the strata insurance issue in BC and any policy solutions that might be available to the province or industries.


The Insurance Bureau of Canada has also held a meeting in Edmonton, and is expected to meet two more times across the country with the final report due in the Fall. A significant number of policy proposals were discussed on the teleconference, demonstrating there is no easy answer.


COVID-19 Communication Survey


CHBA BC held a survey in late March to gain insight into the concerns and priorities of members during the onset of COVID-19. We achieved resounding feedback from over 160 respondents, the best we’ve had to date, and would like to thank all who participated.


There was overwhelming agreement on three priorities for members in ensuring they are kept up-to-date by CHBA BC. 1) Share resources and support from the federal and provincial governments as they come out, 2) share all guidelines, updates and content to help ensure work safety practices at construction sites are being followed, and lastly 3) help provide guidance on what the future might hold for the residential construction industry.

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