Issue 41 January 2020
An update on CHBA BC’s government relations activities
News and Events
MLA Meeting in Kamloops
In late January CHBA BC and CHBA CI met with MLAs Todd Stone and Peter Milobar discussing the development approvals process review, B.C. Energy Step Code, initiatives to drive more housing supply and housing affordability.
CMHC Panel Presentation
CHBA BC CEO Neil Moody presented to the Canada/BC Expert Panel on the Future of Housing Supply and Affordability in late January. The topics of obstacles to increasing housing supply, the effects of skill shortages on the cost and timing of new construction along with other key issues to address to facilitate more construction were all discussed. The expert panel is currently accepting feedback until April 3rd, 2020, from the public on the topics of housing supply and affordability. You can submit your input here.
Extreme Weather Events
Extreme weather events are slowly becoming the norm. The province of B.C. sought input on how to build a resilient, climate-ready future and recently completed a Preliminary Strategic Climate Risk Assessment that looked at 15 climate-related risks and their consequences for the province by 2050.
CHBA BC, along with significant insight and input from David Foster at National, prepared a submission to the Climate Preparedness and Adaptation Strategy that discussed and provided actionable items towards achieving climate adaptation and resilience in B.C.
Read the submission here.
Builders Lien Act Submission
Submission to the British Columbia Law Institute Consultation on the Builders Lien Act covering topics such as prompt payment, Chapter 3: Repealing the Act or Restricting Its Scope, Chapter 5: Completion and the 45-day period and Chapter 7: Holdbacks.
Read the full submission here.
National Building Code Submission – Grab Bar
CHBA BC expressed its opposition and concerns to the National Building Code’s proposed change to require the installation of grab bars for bathtubs and showers. While this change is being proposed to reduce fall hazards in bathtubs and showers, more review is needed to address protection against water ingress, manufactured bathtub and shower warranty issues and design flexibility. Alternatively, we would consider support for installing backing on the bathtub or shower wall to accommodate future grab bar installation. You can read the submission here.
NRC Public Consultation – National Building Code of Canada
The National Research Council of Canada (NRC) has launched a subsequent public consultation on proposed changes to the National Building Code of Canada that were not covered in the Fall 2019 consultation. With the increasing pressures to harmonize technical requirements across Canada, this public consultation will shape the content of the 2020 national codes and subsequently the BC Building Code.
CHBA BC members are strongly encouraged to review and provide comments on the national proposals as they are expected to significantly influence the content of future editions to the BC Building Code.
CHBA BC’s Technical Research Committee will be reviewing proposed changes. Email if you would like to participate in this review.
The consultation runs from January 13, 2020 through March 13, 2020. It can be accessed here.
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