CHBA National Fall Meetings 2019

CHBA held its National Fall 2019 Meetings last week in Ottawa to discuss and collaborate amongst all three levels of membership, local, provincial and national.

These meetings convene into eight various committees and councils, from Technical Research Committee, the Canadian Renovators’ Council to Net Zero Energy Housing Council. The purpose of these meetings is to allow for an open conversation to take place that will help in guiding the Association’s policies and actions.

CHBA BC is proud to have members at both the local and provincial levels, including CHBA BC CEO, Neil Moody, president Brian Charlton, first vice president Joe Hart and executive board members, represented at these meetings to ensure that our regional considerations are taken into account. As an association, effecting change within all levels of government is strengthened by working together to represent one consistent voice.

National meetings also represent an excellent opportunity to network and discuss challenges with members from across the country. Just as we know how useful it is to understand and analyze cases where advocacy, education, and code prevailed and failed within British Columbia; it is equally advantageous to discuss similar cases throughout the municipalities and provinces of Canada.

Issues and cases that are of particular importance to our B.C. members that were noted and advocated for include:

  • The speculation tax, both at the provincial, and likely to be implemented, federal levels;
  • Step Code across multiple committees and councils was mentioned reflecting the diverse opinions and high importance that this case has upon all CHBA members;
  • Renovation code for existing buildings was similarly touched upon at various committees and councils; lastly,
  • The placement of CHBA BC as a leader in builder education and licensing was discussed and championed to reflect the high level of professionalism and knowledge our home builders have.

The next opportunity to gather together will be at the 2020 Housing Week in Canada/ CHBA National Conference, which will be held in Banff next year.
